Equip your team against cyber threats. Expert training, Patch Management, EDR, Penetration Testing and Managed Security Solutions with Nerds Support!

Cybersecurity Training & Awareness Solutions

Elevate your Business defenses against Cyber-threats!

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A cyber security IT professional defending client data using state of the art cloud security technology

How Good is Your Cyber Hygiene?

In a digital landscape fraught with risks, the strength of your business’s cybersecurity relies on the preparedness of your workforce. Welcome to Nerds Support, your partner in equipping your team with expert cybersecurity training and cutting-edge awareness solutions. We’re here to ensure your business stays one step ahead of modern cyber threats and minimizing human error.

It’s time to transform your employees into an unyielding barrier against cyber threats. Allow us to be your guiding light toward enhanced cybersecurity!

Learn how we can fortify your cybersecurity stance!

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What are the Benefits of Tailored Training Solutions?

An IT professional creating a business continuity and backup plan to protect data against disasters.

Seamless Integration of Advanced Solutions

Keep your software fortified against vulnerabilities with timely security patches, thwarting potential exploitation by attackers.

We provide vigilant monitoring, swiftly detecting and responding to suspicious activities on your network’s endpoints 24/7/365.

Evaluate your security stance through simulated attacks, identifying weak points and fortifying your infrastructure against potential breaches.

Why Choose Managed Security Services

Develop a bespoke cybersecurity awareness program tailored to your industry’s demands, regulations and your organizational structure.

Deploy an ongoing learning ecosystem, continuously updating your team about emerging threats and the latest defense strategies.

Deliver consistent support and monitoring to gauge the efficacy of your training initiatives and security protocols.

An Managed IT service professional showing the co-managed in-house IT how to work the cloud.
Nerds Support CEO Scott Richman helping businesses Get Started with Managed IT Services.

Let’s Get Started!

Schedule an assessment today to explore our specialized cybersecurity training & awareness solutions!