SFBJ 2019 Fastest Growing Companies
Nerds Support was named among the top 10 fastest growing companies with a revenue under $25 million by the South Florida Business Journal. 300 people gathered at Jungle Island in Miami to honor South Florida private companies that had the highest revenue growth in the last two years. Usually the ranking would be among the top 50 companies but, this year it was split into two categories: those with revenue over 25 million and those with revenue under. The ceremony took place at Jungle Island’s Bloom Ballroom. Honorees of the award come from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm beach counties. With Scott’s 15 years of leadership, Nerds Support comes highly recommended by their clients for its expertise in IT Services and Cloud Solutions. Even though Scott is the CEO, when you hire
his team, you also get him as another asset for your company. Essentially, Scott becomes part of your company and you can feel secure in knowing that he’s always watching out for your technology needs and giving all the best and greatest solutions possible. The award and ranking are the latest among
several awards Nerds Support has won for it’s rapid growth in its sector. The award itself doesn’t mean much to Scott and his team, it’s what the award represents beyond the recognition. Nerds Support’s believes its biggest achievements have been its contribution to the South Florida community. As it grows in profits and size, it gains the resources needed to help even more companies thrive and grow themselves. The goal for Nerds Support has always been to help small businesses and make a greater impact to the community as a result. As Nerds Support works with its partners, they grow and make profits. As that happens, the hope is these companies hire more employees, stimulate the local economy and South Florida improves and changes.

This company has never lost a client and it’s never met an issue it couldn’t resolve. This award is a testament to the work ethic and tenacity Scott has put into building up Nerds Support into an enterprise that will make a difference in South Florida. The belief in community and the growth of small business exists because of Scott’s background. He started with a passion for computers and a vision for what they could do. Spending many long nights devoting himself to the company that exists today, he understands the challenges, pressures and demands small businesses have on a daily basis. The award means Nerd Support’s services are valued and it’s doing the job it has always intended on doing: helping businesses grow as fast as possible. If you’re interested in reading the full press release,
click here. Found out why Nerd Support is consistently being recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in South Florida for yourself. Visit our website