Unlock Opportunity With A New Digital Workplace

The Beginning of the End

The days of the traditional 9-to-5 are coming to an end. The digital workplace is becoming increasingly popular as technology advances and connectivity increases. 5.2% of workers in the U.S. worked from home full time in 2017, or 6.5 million people according to a US Census. This was an increase from 3.3%, or 3.7 million people in 2000.

Employees are drinking coffee, settling in, opening their laptops and starting work.

The modern work force is no longer constrained to any physical location. It’s become a versatile activity that happens anywhere and at any time. Moreover, companies benefit as well. Companies that support remote work have lower employee turnover than companies that don’t, according to a study by Owllabs. Employees also experience less sick days due to lack of exposure to germs and diseases they contract from sharing a workspace.

Numerous surveys have shown that people are actually more productive when they work from home. Fewer distractions, interruptions by coworkers and reduced stress from commuting are all factors that contribute to the increase in productivity.

Downside in the Digital Age

That being said, not everyone is excited about the change. IT professionals find themselves in a dilemma. As users continue to work remotely, they strain traditional in-house security solutions.
New questions about security and vulnerability are surfacing among the emergence of remote workers. Are those working from home exposing themselves to security risks better managed by systems within the company? What isn’t a question that internet technology, computers, cloud servers, and workplace applications are changing what it means to be productive and how productive someone can be at any given time.

Executives are now prioritizing results over effort, creativity over tradition. If someone goes into the office every day at 9 in the morning, but contributes little to the aspirations, goals and standards of the company, it doesn’t matter if they’re punctual. Contrarily, if a team member works remotely meets deadlines, develops unique proposals, and contributes greatly to the company as a whole, where they work or how they achieve these goals makes little difference.

IT departments are trying to adapt to the modern workforce. However, the security solutions they are implementing forego important features. They aren’t enough to protect employee data, assets and infrastructure. However, there is a way to embrace this new work model without sacrificing security.

Remote workers using their own devices creates a fragmented, unproductive experience for organizations and employees. Many companies have their own applications, platforms, and digital tools that fail to work together or are incompatible with one another. Going from device to device, platform to platform takes time and energy better spent on other projects and tasks.

Digital Workplace Solution

Digital workspaces are this very solution. Or rather, a secure, digital workspace that integrates the support and security necessary to maintain the safety of company assets and information, while promoting and embracing the flexibility, versatility of remote work.

Instead of leaving new and emerging technologies to go unchecked, businesses should take the time to leverage these tools and develop a strategy around them.

Creating a digital workplace that is protected by a security framework that travels with users wherever they go. Allowing IT, security, and networking teams control and security across today’s complex cloud, hybrid, and SaaS environments.

Modern businesses need to create a digital workplace that protects users wherever they are. One that is protected by security framework that travels with the user. This allows IT, networking and security teams, to use cloud and SaaS systems in a dynamic environment that promotes growth.

The digital workplace already exists to some degree in every industry. Just as a result of adapting to a digital world, the difference here would be a proactive approach to establishing a digital workplace that makes your company function better as a whole.

Developing A Digital Workplace Strategy

Developing a comprehensive digital strategy isn’t difficult. As long as you stay anchored to the three elements that make up any enterprise you should be fine, namely: People, culture and tools.


These are employees of the company. Your digital plan should first and foremost have them in mind. What they need and how these needs might impact productivity, creativity, engagement etc. Furthermore, how these changes might influence clients/customers, vendors and the like.


The digital instruments needed to communicate and operate productively.


This is the culmination and interplay between the other two elements. How people in the organization use the tools at their disposal, engage with the client/customer one another. In what ways are these elements contributing to the furthering of your business goals and needs.

Work on Your Company

No one industry has the same needs and there is no single plan that can address the needs specific to each industry. That’s why considering these three elements can help you gain insight as to what digital tools and ultimately, what type of workspace is best for your company.

If you would like to learn more about cloud computing security, digital workspaces or the cloud in general download our free e-book. Or contact us to learn about digital tools, IT consulting and industry compliance.

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