Tag Archives: Cybersecurity

Reduce Malware Infections in 7 Steps

7 IT Solutions To Reduce the Risk Of Malware Infections Friday, June 26 2020 The University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine paid over $1 million to regain access to data after hackers encrypted it with malware. Situations like this happen all the time. Unfortunately, businesses and institutions across the world have failed […]

New York Proposes Bills Banning Ransomware Payments

Two New York state senators proposed bills to ban local governments from paying ransomware with taxpayer money. The bills, S7246 and S7289, are virtually the same except S7246 proposes to create a state fund to help municipalities strengthen their cyber-security. This is the first time states have proposed such a law. Why is this happening? […]

What Should Concern Businesses About the New Orleans Cyberattack

The city of New Orleans experienced a cyberattack so severe Mayor Latoya Cantrell declared a state of emergency. The attack occurred on Friday, Dec. 13 and caused the city to shutdown government computers. Officials announced the shutdown via social media posts. City Shutdown Government Computers The attack started at 5 in the morning, according to […]

DoorDash Gets Data Dashed After Breach

DoorDash Data Breach The food delivery company DoorDash was compromised on May 4th 2019. The company said the data breach exposed the data of 4.9 million users, delivery workers and merchants. Fortunately, users who made accounts after April 5, 2018 were not affected by the breach. However, the breach exposed names, phone numbers, order histories, […]

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